0x01 修改主题function.php,添加以下代码:
//主站首页调用子站点最新文章 function subsite_recent_post($showpost) { global $wpdb, $post, $table_prefix; $most_post = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE public = '1' AND archived = '0' AND mature = '0' AND spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' ORDER BY last_updated DESC"); foreach ($most_post as $key => $v) { //排除主站点 if($v !=1 ) { $b_id[$key] = $v; } } $newid = array_flip($b_id); //PHP数组函数随机显示,数值不能大于子站点数量 $new_post_id = array_rand($newid,2); $sgnum = 1; //根修改css样式名,后续同样说明 echo '<div class="most-comment-posts subsites">'; foreach ( $new_post_id as $k => $vol ) { $blogPostsTable = $wpdb->base_prefix.$vol."_posts"; $recent_post = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * from $blogPostsTable where post_status = 'publish' and post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date desc LIMIT 0,$showpost"); //获取子站点名称和链接 $blogname = get_blog_option($vol, 'blogname'); $blogurl = get_blog_option($vol, 'home'); echo '<div class="subsite'.$sgnum.'"><h3 class="title"><a href="'.$blogurl.'"><strong>'.$blogname.'</strong></a></h3>'; echo '<ul class="newlist">'; foreach ($recent_post as $ks => $vs) { //切换到子站点并获取文章和链接、发布日期、阅读数、分类和分类链接 switch_to_blog($vol); $permalink = get_blog_permalink($vol, $vs->ID); $postdate = substr("$vs->post_date",5,2)."月".substr("$vs->post_date",8,2)."日"; $postview = get_post_meta($vs->ID, 'views', true); $postcats = get_the_category($vs->ID); $catelink = get_category_link($postcats[0]->term_id); //若存在特色图像则使用特色图,若文章内也没有图片则使用该默认图像 $thumbnail = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/images/thumbnail.png'; if ( has_post_thumbnail($vs->ID) ) { $thumbnail = the_post_thumbnail(); } else { //先文章内第1张图片的ID,然后获取该图片的缩略图 preg_match_all('/<img.+wp-image-(.*)["|\ ]/U', $vs->post_content, $matches); $first_img = $matches[1][0]; if ( count($matches[1]) > 0 ) { $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url($first_img); } } $count += 1; //文章缩略图、文章标题和链接 echo '<li><img class="thumbnail" src="'.$thumbnail.'" alt="'.$vs->post_title.'"><a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$vs->post_title.'</a>'; //文章分类名称和链接、发布日期、阅读数 echo '<p class="text-muted views"><a href="'.$catelink.'">'.$postcats[0]->cat_name.'</a><span class="time">'.$postdate.'</span><span class="post-views">阅读('.$postview.')</span></p></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; $sgnum += 1; } echo '</div>'; //使程序回到主站点 switch_to_blog(1); }
0x02 修改主题css样式(style.css),添加以下代码:
/* 主站显示子站最新文章,需根据实际情况进行调整 */ .subsites {overflow:hidden;} .subsite1, .subsite3, .subsite2, .subsite4 {width:49%; float:left;} .subsite1, .subsite3 {margin-right:1%;} .subsite2, .subsite4 {margin-left:1%;} .subsites .newlist {padding-top:10px;} .subsites .newlist li {height:55px; padding:8px 0; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;} .subsites .newlist p {float:none;} .subsites .newlist .thumbnail {float:left; width:52px; height:39px; margin-right:6px;} .subsites .newlist .time {margin:auto 12px;} @media (max-width:560px), (min-width:1025px) and (max-width:1150px) { .subsite1, .subsite3, .subsite2, .subsite4 {width:100%; margin:auto 0 auto 0;} .subsites .newlist li {padding-left:0px;} .subsites .newlist p {display:block;} } @media (max-width:560px) { .subsites .newlist li {height:45px; padding:3px 0;} }
0x03 修改主题模板文件(index.php),在希望展示子站文章的位置添加以下代码:
//每个主题稍有不同,请根据实际情况修改,以仅在主站首页展示为例 if ( !$paged && $current_blog->blog_id == 1 ) { subsite_recent_post(5); }
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